
These are elegant and sophisticated pedestrian entrance control solutions designed with cutting-edge technology. They are ideal for regulating the flow of people in public or commercial establishments. The speedstiles can integrate access control technologies such as card readers, biometric readers, face IDs, and mobile applications to improve the overall efficiency of the entrance protocol.

User friendly design

The transparent design of the speedstiles allows natural light through while reducing the perceived barrier effect. The gate panels swing open in the same direction of passage creating a welcome gesture to pedestrians.

Minimal installation space

The solution is sleek, an ideal choice for sites where limited space is available and aesthetics is of high importance.

Stylish & flexible

The Speedstile comes in stylish and flexible design that is adaptable to match various aesthetics requirements while retaining the high level of security.

Advanced detection

Tailgating and wrong way detection can be easily prevented with the speedstile solution. Entry is denied in case of an attempted tailgating or when a user approaches from the wrong side.

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